We're looking for you!
Counterfeit Cow Productions has muliple projects in various levels of development, commercials, television pilots, radio spots, print ads and MORE! We're always seeking eager and talented artists to join our efforts.

You can get production notices FAST on The INdy Network created by CCP to provide a resource for our community to find updates, casting notices, and crew calls.
We are dedicated to helping directors and producers find great talent for their projects, because at CCP we feel as independent artists are all in this boat together!
Join our Group on Facebook or... Follow IN on Twitter.
Counterfeit Cow Productions is often hosting auditions for productions. Keep an eye out for our postings on social media. But if you cannot attend an audition, we'll be happy to keep your resume on file for the future.
Fill out an actor submission form, and attach your headshot and resume in a pdf.
You may add a link to your actor reel, but we will NOT accept a link to your website or imdb page as your resume.
Crew positions, in a variety of departments, are available for live events, indie films, commercials, music videos, web videos, television pilots and more...
Complete a crew application form, and attach your professional resume in a .pdf Please include links to your work and TWO professional references.
A link to your website or imdb page will NOT be concidered in place of your resume.
At Counterfeit Cow Productions we're passionate about film making, and we beleive in the power of education through film. That education doesn't just take place for audiences, but it also takes place behind and in front of the camera.
We welcome applications from students in any major, at any level in their scholastic career from freshmen to college graduates.
There are several possitions available during Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Fill out an internship application to be concidered.